int sx, sy; float density = 0.3; int[][][] world; boolean gameplaying = false; float ballXPos,ballYPos; int ballX,ballY; int livejuice; boolean virgin = true; int score; int goalx, goaly; void mousePressed(){ if(!gameplaying ){ gameplaying = true; restart(); } virgin = false; } void restart(){ score = 0; livejuice = 100; world = new int[sx][sy][2]; ghostx = random(300); ghosty = random(300); // Set random cells to 'on' for (int i = 0; i < sx * sy * density; i++) { world[(int)random(sx)][(int)random(sy)][1] = 1; } ballX=25; ballY=25; //clear shit around for(int x = 20; x < 30;x++){ for(int y = 20; y < 30;y++){ world[x][y][0]=0; world[x][y][1]=0; } } livejuice=100; goalx = int(random(50)); goaly = int(random(50)); } float ghostx,ghosty,ghostxspeed,ghostyspeed; float gs = 40; void setup() { size(400, 400); textAlign(CENTER); frameRate(30); sx = width / 8; sy = height / 8; restart(); } void draw() { background(128); updateCells(); world[goalx][goaly][0] = 0; world[goalx][goaly][1] = 0; fill(255); text("life:"+livejuice,300,20); text("score:"+score,100,20); if(goalx == ballX && goaly == ballY){ score++; goalx = int(random(50)); goaly = int(random(50)); drawgoal(); } moveghost(); drawgoal(); if(gameplaying){ drawBall(); } drawghost(); if(random(2)<1){ int basex = int((ghostx+(gs/2)) / 8) ; int basey =int((ghosty+(gs/2)) / 8) ; for(int i = 0; i < int(random(8));i++){ int newx = basex + int(random(5))-2; int newy = basey + int(random(5))-2; if(newx >= 0 && newx < 50 && newy >= 0 && newy < 50){ world[newx][newy][0] = 1; } } } if(gameplaying){ if(world[ballX][ballY][0] == 1){ livejuice-=2; if(livejuice <= 0){ gameplaying = false; } } } else { //game not playing, show screen if(virgin){ showtitle(); } else { showgameover(); } } } // Count the number of adjacent cells 'on' int neighbors(int x, int y) { return world[(x + 1) % sx][y][0] + world[x][(y + 1) % sy][0] + world[(x + sx - 1) % sx][y][0] + world[x][(y + sy - 1) % sy][0] + world[(x + 1) % sx][(y + 1) % sy][0] + world[(x + sx - 1) % sx][(y + 1) % sy][0] + world[(x + sx - 1) % sx][(y + sy - 1) % sy][0] + world[(x + 1) % sx][(y + sy - 1) % sy][0]; } void updateCells(){ stroke(0); fill(128,0,0); // Drawing and update cycle for (int x = 0; x < sx; x=x+1) { for (int y = 0; y < sy; y=y+1) { //if cell TOBE born, or cell NOWIS alive and TOBO no change... if ((world[x][y][1] == 1)|| (world[x][y][0] == 1 && world[x][y][1] == 0) ) { //NOWIS ALIVE world[x][y][0] = 1; rect(x*8,y*8,6,6); } //if cell TOBE killed if (world[x][y][1] == -1) { //NOWIS dead world[x][y][0] = 0; } //TOBE nochange... world[x][y][1] = 0; } } // Birth and death cycle for (int x = 0; x < sx; x=x+1) { for (int y = 0; y < sy; y=y+1) { int count = neighbors(x, y); //if 3 neighbors and NOWIS dead... if (count == 3 && world[x][y][0] == 0) { //TOBE born world[x][y][1] = 1; } //if too few, too many neighbors and NOWIS alive if ((count < 2 || count > 3) && world[x][y][0] == 1) { //TOBE killed world[x][y][1] = -1; } } } } void drawgoal(){ stroke(random(255),random(255),random(255)); float goalxpos = goalx *8; float goalypos = goaly *8; line(goalxpos+4, goalypos+0,goalxpos+4, goalypos+8); line(goalxpos+0, goalypos+4,goalxpos+8, goalypos+4); } void drawBall(){ ballXPos = ballX *8; ballYPos = ballY *8; int xsquare = int(ballXPos / 8); int ysquare = int(ballYPos / 8); if(world[xsquare][ysquare][0] == 1){ fill(0,255,0); } else{ fill(255,255,0); } stroke(0); rect(ballXPos,ballYPos,8,8); line(ballXPos+2,ballYPos+5,ballXPos+4,ballYPos+6); line(ballXPos+5,ballYPos+6,ballXPos+6,ballYPos+5); line(ballXPos+2,ballYPos+2,ballXPos+2,ballYPos+3); line(ballXPos+6,ballYPos+2,ballXPos+6,ballYPos+3); } void keyPressed(){ if(keyCode == 37){ if(ballX > 0)ballX --; } if(keyCode == 39){ if(ballX < 49) ballX++; } if(keyCode == 38){ if(ballY > 0)ballY --; } if(keyCode == 40){ if(ballY < 49) ballY++; } } void drawghost(){ noStroke(); fill(255,255,255,30); rect(ghostx,ghosty,gs,gs); fill(0,0,0,30); rect(ghostx+(gs/5),ghosty+(gs/5),gs/5,gs/5); rect(ghostx+(gs*3/5),ghosty+(gs/5),gs/5,gs/5); rect(ghostx+(gs/5),ghosty+(gs*3/5),gs*3/5,gs/5); } void moveghost(){ ghostxspeed += random(1)-.5; ghostyspeed += random(1)-.5; ghostx += ghostxspeed; ghosty += ghostyspeed; if(ghostx < 0){ ghostxspeed = 1; } if(ghostx > 400-gs){ ghostxspeed = -1; } if(ghosty < 0){ ghostyspeed = 1; } if(ghosty > 400-gs){ ghostyspeed = -1; } } void showtitle(){ fill(255); text("CONWAY WEST",200,80); text("welcome to john conway's game of life!",200,120); text("but the evil ghost of random may make it...",200,160); text("YOUR DEATH!!!!!! muahahahahahahahaha",200,180); text("you are the happy face",200,260); text("collect the colorful cross for points",200,280); text("avoid the red frothing squares",200,300); text("the ghost won't hurt you",200,320); text("but the squares he leaves behind might!",200,340); text("CLICK TO START, ARROW KEYS TO MOVE",200,370); } void showgameover(){ fill(255); text("CONWAY WEST",200,80); text("game over",200,120); text("your score:"+score,200,160); text("CLICK TO RESTART, ARROW KEYS TO MOVE",200,370); }