int SCREENSIZE = 300; int CRITTERCOUNT = 50; int CRITTERWIDTH=8; int CRITTERHEIGHT=10; critter c[]; int count; int BEFOREGAME = 0; int DURINGGAME = 1; int AFTERGAME = 2; int gamestage = BEFOREGAME; int timer; int numcaught; float ballX = 150,ballY = 150,ballXSpeed, ballYSpeed; void keyPressed(){ if(keyCode == 32){ if(gamestage == AFTERGAME){ for(int i = 0; i < CRITTERCOUNT * 7; i++){ c[i].x = random(SCREENSIZE); c[i].y = random(SCREENSIZE) ; } } if(gamestage == BEFOREGAME || gamestage == AFTERGAME){ gamestage = DURINGGAME; timer = 0; } } if(keyCode == 37){ ballXSpeed = -3; } if(keyCode == 39){ ballXSpeed = 3; } if(keyCode == 38){ ballYSpeed = -3; } if(keyCode == 40){ ballYSpeed = 3; } } void setup(){ size(300,300); c = new critter[CRITTERCOUNT*10]; frameRate(30); ellipseMode(CENTER); for(int h = 1; h <= 7; h++){ PImage leftdown = loadImage(h+"-down-l.gif"); PImage rightdown = loadImage(h+"-down-r.gif"); PImage leftup = loadImage(h+"-up-l.gif"); PImage rightup = loadImage(h+"-up-r.gif"); for(int i = 0; i < CRITTERCOUNT; i++){ c[count++] = new critter(random(SCREENSIZE),random(SCREENSIZE),leftdown,rightdown,leftup,rightup); } } textFont(loadFont("Arial-Black-14.vlw"),14); textAlign(CENTER); } void draw(){ background(4,66,90); if(mouseX < ballX){ ballXSpeed += -.3; } if(mouseX > ballX){ ballXSpeed -= -.3; } if(mouseY < ballY){ ballYSpeed += -.3; } if(mouseY > ballY){ ballYSpeed -= -.3; } ballX += ballXSpeed; ballY += ballYSpeed; noStroke(); fill(247,198,99); ellipse(ballX,ballY,3,3); numcaught = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){ if(c[i].isCaught){ numcaught++; } } if(numcaught == (CRITTERCOUNT*7)){ gamestage = AFTERGAME; } if(gamestage == DURINGGAME){ timer++; stroke(255); fill(255); text("critters: "+((CRITTERCOUNT*7)-numcaught)+" time:"+timer,150,20); } float sqrtnumcaught = 3+sqrt(numcaught); if(ballX < sqrtnumcaught){ ballX = sqrtnumcaught; ballXSpeed = 1; } if(ballY < sqrtnumcaught){ ballY = sqrtnumcaught; ballYSpeed = 1; } if(ballX > SCREENSIZE-sqrtnumcaught){ ballX = SCREENSIZE-sqrtnumcaught; ballXSpeed = -1; } if(ballY > SCREENSIZE-sqrtnumcaught){ ballY = SCREENSIZE-sqrtnumcaught; ballYSpeed = -1; } ballXSpeed *= .99; ballYSpeed *= .99; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){ c[i].move(sqrtnumcaught); c[i].show(); } stroke(255); fill(255); if(gamestage == BEFOREGAME){ text("THE COSMIC ARK REPOPULATION",150,50); text("PROGRAM HAS SUCCEEDED",150,75); text("BEYOND OUR WILDEST DREASMS",150,100); text("NOW YOU PRINCE OF ALL COSMOS",150,150); text("MUST COLLECT THE CRITTERS",150,175); text("WITH YOUR KATAMARI",150,200); text("AS FAST AS YOU CAN",150,225); text("space button to start",150,275); } if(gamestage == AFTERGAME){ text("CONGRATULATIONS",150,50); text("YOU DID IT IN "+timer+" COSMISECONDS",150,100); text("space button to try again",150,275); } } class critter { float x, y; PImage imgLeftDown, imgLeftUp, imgRightDown, imgRightUp; boolean isCaught = false; boolean isScared = false; boolean nowUp = true; PImage img; float xspeed = 0; float yspeed = 0; float frozX, frozY; critter(float inX, float inY, PImage inLeftDown,PImage inRightDown, PImage inLeftUp, PImage inRightUp){ x = inX; y = inY; imgLeftDown = inLeftDown; imgRightDown = inRightDown; imgLeftUp = inLeftUp; imgRightUp = inRightUp; img = inRightUp; } void show(){ // if(! isCaught) nowUp = ! nowUp; if(xspeed <= 0) { if(nowUp) img = imgLeftUp; else img = imgLeftDown; } if(xspeed > 0){ if(nowUp) img = imgRightUp; else img = imgRightDown; } image(img,x,y); } boolean between(float val, float lower, float higher){ if(val >= lower && val <= higher){ return true; } return false; } void move(float sqrtnumcaught){ int critterCenterX = (int)x+(CRITTERWIDTH/2); int critterCenterY =(int) y+(CRITTERHEIGHT/2); int cRight = (int)x+CRITTERWIDTH; int cBottom = (int)y+CRITTERHEIGHT; float mx = ballX; float my = ballY; if(gamestage == DURINGGAME){ if(! isCaught){ // if(overlap() && overlap()) if( sqrt(pow((critterCenterX - mx),2) + pow((critterCenterY - my),2)) line1val2)?line1val1:line1val2; float line2min = (line1val1 < line2val2)?line2val1:line2val2; float line2max = (line1val1 > line2val2)?line2val1:line2val2; if(line1min < line2min && line1max < line2min){ return false; } if(line1min > line2max && line1max > line2max){ return false; } return true; }